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Influencer Marketing

How to make your campaign successful 
with the help of influencer marketing 
and bring amateurs to immerse themselves 

in your game?

Pro-gamers moves to unlock the secrets of influence 

Marketing d'influence Gaming
Ancre fleche 01

Our Expertise

Whether it’s a quick game of Candy Crush in the morning, an evening with friends on Among Us or a high-level career on League of Legends, gaming punctuates our daily life, whatever our sensitivity.

Casual players will agree as much as professionals that the digital world gathers infinite communities of gamers. Today, building excitement around a game, whether it’s on a mobile device, on a PC or a console, is about mastering the networks and the creators who bring them to life.

expertise marketing d'influenceGaming
influence marketing Gaming

Influencer Marketing

We create exclusive relationships betweengamers, their communities and your product. Any influencer knows how to take ownership of a game, create entertaining formats around it, identify it’s added value ​​and make it shine.

A content creator is your best ally to develop consideration around your game and build a community who’s fiercely committed to it, before, during and after its launch.

What we can do for you:

  • Exclusive pre-launch access

  • Entertaining video formats

  • Events

  • Creative editorial concepts

  • Game shipments

  • Digital resonance

Creation Of Live Streams
And Best-Of Video

In the first quarter of 2021 alone, more than 8 billion

hours of live gaming content were consumed. Seeing your favorite content creator playing a game, perfecting it and being confronted with unexpected situations generates value in the eyes of it’s community. We are able to conduct livestreams
on Twitch, YouTube or Facebook Gaming around the game we want to promote, allowing us to then create permanent “best-of” videos on TikTok 
or YouTube.

What we can do for you:

  • Live preview

  • Interactive Livestream

  • Cross-channel strategy

Livestreams Gaming
Gameloft Clark influence
Creation de contenus Gaming

Content Creation
Around The Game


Outside of livestreams, we develop engaging content strategies for a wide range of networks. We optimize our selection of creators to come in full force on TikTok, Instagram or YouTube, all while favoring a creative and persuasive approach.

What we can do for you:

  • Short videos highlighting the KSPs produced

  • Engaging static formats

  • Original long-format video concepts

  • Management of portage sendouts

  • Post optimization

  • Tests and reviews

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