Today, we are interested in Quebec Moms who have influence on social media. Women who dare to say that mom's life is not always easy by exposing sometimes sensitive subjects. On Instagram, Facebook and their personal blog, they share their daily lives and give their good tips to help and reassure other mothers.

1. Parfaite Maman Imparfaite
Marja the morning sprint champion, as she says! Mother of 2 children, she shares on her blog her routines, tips and tricks but always with a touch of humour. Marja is also an excellent cook and shares creative recipes that will please the whole family. If you are looking for good books and games for children, Marja is a fan of children's literature. On his blog you will find a dedicated category: "Our Little Readings" with a wide range of suggestions.
Facebook : Instagram : Blog :
2. Virginie Roy
Virgine, an overactive mother! Ex-teacher, model, blogger and sports fan, Virginie never stops. Her blog, TVMT (Truly V Truly Me) is a journal for moms who also want to find fashion, beauty and sport inspirations. Virginie is already Eva's mother and has another baby on the way that will arrive in June! We wish all the best to this growing family.
Instagram :
3. Mère Ordinaire
Bianca Longpré is a mother star in Quebec. This mother of 3 has a busy schedule, as an animator, comedian and author, she finds time to take care of her children. On the networks, she shares the ups and downs of Mom's life with a lot of humour. If you want to spend an evening with Bianca and your friends, whether you are mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law or childless, there will be lots of fun. You can book your tickets on eventbrit, there are several dates scheduled this summer.
Facebook : Instagram :
Soirée Bianca Longpré :é
4. Ma Famille Mon Chaos
The blog My Family My Chaos was created by Maîka Desnoyers and Etienne Boulay. He is a professional American football player in Toronto Argonauts and Maïka, both a real estate broker and co-host of the show Vendre ou Rénover. Maïka and Etienne are famous personalities and parents in Quebec. With their lives at 100 miles an hour, they still decided to launch their blog with the help of a few collaborators. On My Family My Chaos, you will find many articles very enriching for parents and sometimes on the harsh reality of having children.
Facebook :
Instagram Maïka Desnoyers :
Instagram Etienne Boulay :
5. Maman Caféine
Marie-Eve is a mother of 4 who has made a name for herself through her blog dedicated to mothers and family. Marie-Eve launched her blog Maman Caféine in December 2015, to share her tips and tricks for moms. Being passionate about fashion and beauty, she advises mothers to continue to take care of themselves. On her Instagram account, she very often shares her inspiring looks.
Facebook :
Instagram : Blog :
6. La Récréation
The blog La Récréation is the work of Genevieve Jetté and her husband Marc-André. Originally, the Tattoo Mom blog, which has become known for its unconventional maternity approach and its expertise in early childhood and children's products. It was in 2016, that her husband joined the adventure and renamed the blog La Récréation, today the content is more family oriented. You will find many articles that are very useful and inspiring for parents and that touch on many topics. We really like the sections that give ideas for games, outings and activities for the whole family. Genevieve now organizes conferences that she leads online at different times to suit all agendas. Here are some examples of conferences that can be real solutions for parents: Gentle Mornings / On the Road to Zero Waste / Keys to Sleep.
Instagram :
7. Dusty Rose Blog
Mélissa of Duty Rose Blog is a young Montreal mom with a great taste for fashion and decoration. His Instagram account is filled with great images of his family. Mother of 2 children, Charlotte and Lincoln, she shares their good times spent with their family. You will also find fashion tips on his blog and many shopping ideas.
Instagram : Blog :
8. Cinq Minutes pour Jouer
Zoé is a mother of 5 who has just welcomed the youngest in January. As an educator, she created the blog Cinq Minutes pour Jouer a space where she delivers articles on children's education and development. Zoé explains her own methods and advice in terms of pedagogy and simplicity, which are quite different from traditional standards. She is very attached to the minimalist way of life. For her, it is very important that adults learn to play with their children. To do this, it provides many ideas for games and activities to do with the family and for all ages.
Facebook :
9. Lucie Rose
Lucie-Rose is a mother of 4, including twins since May! Passionate about fashion, beauty and journalism. For 7 years now, she has made her profession the creation of content. In fact, Lucie was a finalist at the P&G Beauty Awards in the Best Beauty Content category on social networks, as an independent content creator. Lucie's blog allows her to have incredible experiences with her family. On his Instagram account, you can find a lot of family photos. On the blog, you will find articles covering all topics: fashion, food, make-up, outings, etc...
Instagram :
Facebook :
Blog :
10. Mamans avec Opinions
A blog that reveals the ups and downs of parents' lives. Created in 2015 by Mélanie, it covers many topics such as education, motherhood, family activities and advice for all parents. Mamans avec Opinions also dare to touch sensitive subjects about the fact that it is not always easy to raise children. But the founder always makes it a point of honour to remind parents that having children is wonderful and that it is much more pleasant to see your role as a parent in a much better light. Mélanie is also well surrounded since the blog is also fed by other 15 contributors (almost all mothers) but also 3 men contributors to get a male perspective. Mamans avec Opinions also has an online shop with message mugs but also other decorative items and gift ideas.
11. Tellement Mom
Marie-Hélène never gets bored with her 4 boys at home, she has enough to do! This mother is therefore the queen of the organization. It is on her Youtube channel that she shares her family's daily life and gives excellent advice to other parents. Marie-Hélène has no lack of imagination and records videos covering all subjects: maternity, fashion, beauty, recipes, organization...
Instagram :
Facebook :
12. Mom Ready To Go
Catherine is a military wife and mother from a large family, 3 girls and 2 boys who make her happy but also very busy. It is on Youtube channel that she shares her daily life and that of her family. Catherine would like to share with other mothers who need help her tips and habits: maternity, education, decoration, diy beauty and fashion.... On a second Youtube channel dedicated to vlogs, we find the new adventures of this family of 7 with new videos several times a week.
Youtube : Youtube vlogs:
Instagram :
13. Sweet Home Marilou
Marilou is a mother of a family photographer and passionate about creating family content. It immortalizes moments of happiness and sharing. On his Instagram account, you will find colours, softness, joy and beautiful pictures of his son. Marilou is also the author and illustrator of 3 children's yoga books that you can find right here.
Instagram :
14. Chic Mom in the City
Stéphanie, mother of 3 , shares on her Instagram account some very beautiful pictures of her life as a mother with her 3 boys. This mother never stops, besides her full-time work, business trips and her role as a mother, she finds time to create content on her blog and Instagram. The softly coloured photos are inspiring and give clothing ideas for little boys and mothers. Stéphanie loves decoration very much, we love her interior, it gives good ideas for decoration and especially for a child's room.
Instagram :
15. Audree Larocque
Audree Larocque's Instagram account is a place full of tenderness where she publishes wonderful moments with her daughter. You will find beautiful photo inspirations for your children. We love the orange, pink and white shots. Their Instagram shows that it is a family close to nature and animals, the perfect combination for a child to flourish.
Instagram :
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