Today, we decided to dedicate an article to people who immortalize moments, faces, landscapes. There are many talented photographers in Quebec, here is a selection of photographers who share the best shots on their Instagram account.

City / Architecture
Simon Lachapelle Based in Montreal, Simon is a professional photographer. Architecture being one of his specialties, his Instagram account is full of photographs in a futuristic style. When we look at Simon's photographs, we have the impression of being on a deserted Earth but with all the beauty of what man has been able to build. On his website, we also discover a whole portfolio of photographs of almost magical landscapes.
Instagram :
Un Olive by Olivier Martel Savoie Oliver is a rather atypical photographer since all his shots are taken with an iPhone. This does not detract from the quality of the photos and the talent he shares on his Instagram account. We find a lot of geometry, colors, lights for a clean and clear result. One of his specialties is to photograph architecture and more particularly libraries that can be found on Instagram thanks to the hashtag #olive_libraries.
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Montréalismes by Vincent Brillant Vincent Brillant is a professional photographer based in Montreal, he is very talented in architectural photography but also when it comes to promotional, tourist and event photography. Vincent regularly works with brands but also influencers when it comes to promoting a product. It also offers photo retouching services. On his Instagram account with more than 64,000 subscribers, he has chosen to publish only photos taken with his Iphone where he highlights the architecture of the city of Montreal and when he travels.
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Yesmine Boukhili
Yesmine is a photographer who is passionate about the atmosphere of coffee shops, she immortalizes her places where there is an atmosphere as if time has stopped. It also offers shots in various shops in the city of Montreal. When you look at his photos, you can feel exactly the atmosphere of the place and the moment.
Instagram :
Ali Inay Ali is a Montreal-based photographer, his passion is to take pictures of the city and more particularly of its dwellings. We really like his photographs of the winter when the city is snow-covered. Thanks to Ali's Instagram account, you can also find good restaurant addresses. He is also the founder of @mtlcafecrawl, which brings together a community of coffee shops in Montreal.
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André Ville de Pluie André is a professional photographer, one of his specialties is to immortalize people in an urban environment between Montreal and Paris. His pictures are often taken in action. On its website, you can also order these photographs which are available for printing. André also covers events and concerts such as the Igloofest in Montreal.
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Victor Cambet Victor is a French passionate photographer based in Montreal. When you walk around on his Instagram account you notice that his photographs are taken at times that only he can notice with his photographer's eyes. They are faces, people you can meet every day or just once in your life. Victor pays attention to people and their expressions. These pictures are "pauses" in the middle of a world that never stops. We really like the last pictures of his trip to Tokyo. His photographs are also available for printing on his website.
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Ludovic Rolland-Marcotte Ludovic is a professional photographer specialized in portraits, he immortalizes faces, expressions and styles. His photos stand out for the work of the lights. On his Instagram account, we find many photos taken at night with lights, flashes, neon. Ludovic also regularly photographs influencers for campaigns on Instagram.
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Emile-Antoine Lapointe Emile-Antoine Lapointe is a very talented photographer who takes pictures of people. He knows exactly how to illustrate the beauty of each person. Emile-Antoine also works with many influencers and photographs during their travels. He is also a videographer, you can watch on his Youtube On Set channel, shooting videos with several influencers.
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Fred CL Fred is a professional photographer based in Montreal. His Instagram account is bathed in youth and energy. He specializes in portraits and in particular photographs of young influencers. He also likes to photograph people in the evening.
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Valérie Gb Valerie is a photographer who likes to bring out in images what people have that is good. Her photos are very pure, she only works with natural light. She likes to photograph moments of life when people are in action with real emotions.
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Kevin Millet Kevin is a Montreal-based photographer and artist of French origin. His work consists of mixing art and photography. He has made portraits his specialty, timeless and very well worked, each portrait brings out the soul of each model. Kevin has projects all over the world, his photographs evoke a lot of emotions, he likes to play with geometry, colours and materials. His work is very similar to that of a sculptor, he brings out bodies and faces like no one else.
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William Arcand William is a fashion photographer based in Montreal, he shares some pictures of his work on his Instagram account. William is very talented, many brands and fashion magazines use him to create campaigns. This is the case with Buffalo Jeans, Schön! Magazine, Reitmans, Palladium and others. You can discover all his collaborations on his website. William is also often hired to photograph some celebrities.
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Guillaume St Amand Guillaume's photographs are simply incredible. This Montreal-based photographer travels around the world to bring us the most beautiful images of our Earth. Its aim is to bring out the beauty of nature in a moment, in pictures that are always grandiose. Guillaume works in couple with Camille, together they carry out multiple projects and create content for the brands. You can also order some of Guillaume's pictures if you want some at home!
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Alexandre Champagne Portraits, food, travel... Alexandre is a professional photographer with multiplies specialities. This photographer from Quebec transports us to his Instagram account. Alexandre is a very well known artist in the region, he shares the pictures of his adventures around the world, they are generally landscapes but also portraits of people he meets. Now, Alexandre also shares his knowledge in photography and offers workshops such as "The Art of Making All Your Photos Successful with Your Cell Phone" that you can book directly on the Crea Co. website.
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Mélanie Vandersluis Mélanie is a young photographer and content creator on Instagram, she travels around the world to offer us amazing images. Mélanie specializes in photo editing and works with tools such as Lightroom. Now it also develops presets that you can buy online to use on your shots. She also shares her knowledge in Youtube broadcasts if you want to learn and become a pro to make your photos even more beautiful. We also find vlogs from his travels that make you want to go on holiday.
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