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How LittlerLocker won the hearts of catlovers thanks to an efficient digital marketing strategy?

Photo du rédacteur: Nicolas BonNicolas Bon

Chat Cat ClarkInfluence

LitterLocker, a company that makes cats and their owners happy, worked with Clark Influence to execute a digital strategy.

Objectives :

- Develop brand awareness

- Develop brand credibility

- Increase digital communities

Stratégie :

To hit this triple objective, Clark Influence naturally came up with a strategy that relies on 3 pillars :

1. Content Marketing : Clark Influence helped LitterLocker to have a precise and original editorial line in order for the brand to convey brand's messages and develop awareness about what the company has to offer in terms of products.

2. Influencer Marketing : Once the brand social identity defined, Clark Influence worked closely with influencer to build the brand's credibility on social media and increase LitterLocker digital communities.

3. Community Management : Finally, Clark Influence helped LitterLocker to manage its community in order to allow the brand to engage its potential customers and in fine develop a love-brand.

Resultts :

This three-stage strategy has permitted to build a strong brand, reaching exceptional results :

  • Facebook fans increased: 4654 (+534%)

  • Instagram Fan increased : 4851 (+3831%)

  • Number of posts : 250 (including Earned Media)

  • Number of impressions: 2 600 000

1. Content Marketing

Inform, inspire, entertain - this was Clark Influence objective while creating a series of photographic contents for LitterLocker. Resorting to his internal studio production, Clark Influence delivered a dozen professional photographs to appeal to catlovers. Have a look yourself, those cats are so cute, aren't they ?

2. Influencer Marketing

Thanks to its expertise and close relationships with influencers, Clark Influence has developped a strong link between LitterLocker and the cat community influencers who spotlight our favorite cats on social networks (#catstagram). Relying on the power of recommendation of influencers such as @educhateur, @exoticrichard,, @catswiththeirtonguesout, @benbencatcat, @tux.devonrex, @theoreocatofficial, LitterLocker brand now has a strong credibility among the catlovers community.

In order to increase the number of followers on @litterlocker_canada account, Clark Influence organized a contest to incite cat lovers to subscribe to the brand account to participate in a drawing lots to win the brand's products. As a result, more than 60 000 participations on Facebook and Instagram.

3. Community Management

With quality contents and a strong influencers network associated with the brand, the only thing that was missing was to find a unique narrative trame when talking to its fans. To engage with his community and create a strong emotional link, we have started discussions with the fans, answering their questions, asking them some questions about how they interact with their favorite cats, etc. This strategy was helpful to the brand because it gives it a human, accessible image, which seemed essential to us when it comes to talk to cat lovers.

We've eventually made sure that the community remained engaged days after days, while encouraging the community to create user generated content using the hashtag #LitterLocker to increase brand's visibility organically. As a result, more than 200 contents created like this, which is a great example of a successful "earned media" strategy on social media.

Eventually, working with Clark Influencers helps you to get your key performance indicators going up.

Clark Influence helps your brand to stand out on social media networks. If you want to be helped in your content marketing strategy, or influencer marketing strategy, or community management, shoot us an e-mail and we will be happy to come up with a service offer.


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